Da mi je da se vratim u 1994-1995
Sve bih opet isto, samo bih po satu bila 60 sekundi pametnija.
Zamisli koliko bi se moglo tu pameti sabrati.
Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young
In a world of magnets and miracles
Our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary
The ringing of the division bell had begun
Along the long road and on down the causeway
Do they still meet there by the Cut
There was a ragged band that followed in our footsteps
Running before time took our dreams away
Leaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the ground
To a life consumed by slow decay
The grass was greener
The light was brighter
With friends surrounded
The nights of wonder
Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us
To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side
Steps taken forwards but sleepwalking back again Dragged by the force of some inner tide
At a higher altitude with flag unfurled
We reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world
Encumbered forever by desire and ambition
There's a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we've been so many times
The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
With friends surrounded
The dawn mist glowing
The water flowing
The endless river
Forever and ever
Ti mora da tad nisi bila u Sarajevu, cim se ti zelis da vratis u te godine.
Nisam bila u Sarajevi tad, ali uopste to nije bila poenta, poenta je bila da bih volila da se vratem u te godine svog zivota, i da sam recimo 1974-1975 imala te godine, napisala bih njih.
Nisi se dobro izrazila, mnoge su potresle ti počeci devedesetih. Shvaćam te…htjela si se vratiti u djetinjstvo.
Znam vrlo dobro sta je bilo pocetkom devedesetih, mene da se pitalo rata nebi bilo, al mene nije niko pitao.
U ovom postu nisam ni sekunde mislila na taj jebeni rat, a bogme nisam tad bila vise dijete.
dje me nadje sestro, i ja bi isto tako.
Znala sam ssium da ces razumjeti sta mislim 😉
High Hopes <3
Madness, jedna od ljepših pjesama napravljenih u našem stoljeću.